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Credit Repair

DisputeFox Outsourcing Guidelines

Important information if you are considering outsourcing services

Outsourcing Warning

Outsourcing can be a great resource to help you grow without having to hire staff, but there are a few things to consider before making your decision
Never hand over your client file to "their" system
If you do this, and something were to happen, you will not be able to access your client's file. They will effectively "own" your client's file and you would have no recourse to get them back, even if the outsourcer was also using DisputeFox, as whoever sets up the account owns the data in that account.
Have them use YOUR DisputeFox Account
The correct way, is to add the outsourcer as an additional "User" on your own account, with their user "Role" set to "Outsourcer" so they can only see leads and clients (not your entire account), and you can further check a box so they can only see leads or clients you have assigned them to as either the "Sales Rep" or "Agent".

This ensures your account is protected, and you still have full control of your clients data and documents.
Always operate under YOUR Branding & LLC
Your clients have hired you to help them with their credit repair, and all client portals have your branding so they know which secure portal they are logged into, along with all email updates they get etc.. Adding the outsourcer under your account will keep all of this in place.
Note: We do not offer recommendations for Outsourcing companies
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